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פרוזבול תשפ''ב


Latest time to fill in form 19th September / כ''ג אלול


I, the undersigned, entrust with the Manchester Beth Din any outstanding debts which are owed to me, in order that I should be able to claim them whenever I so wish.

Any loan made after the above date, may need a new Pruzbul

A Special sitting of the Beis Din for the Pruzbul will take place on Thursday 26th Elul 5782 / 22nd September 2022

*the use of a donation is to add authenticity to your Pruzbul authorisation

Please do not submit this form any later than

19th September 2022

Thank you for using the MBD Pruzbul service

* Using this service gives the MBD permission to use your email address to send you Kosher news and updates.

There will be an option to unsubscribe if you wish to..

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